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By 2028 ICS will be globally recognized by strengthening comprehensive services for children and families.


ICS enriches and strengthens children, families and communities for future success.

From Our Executive Director

Executive Director Greeting

From Our Board Chair

We have been given the opportunity to be a part of the lives of children and families in fourteen of Mississippi’s eighty-two counties. This is an awesome responsibility. This is a challenge that we must prepare for each year. We must accept the fact that our children and families now have choices. To meet this challenge, we must acquire new skills and be willing to adapt new strategies to effectively make a difference in giving children a head start.

Also, we must continue to recruit and retain employees who are willing and able to accept the responsibility of providing children with a head start. We must believe that we can make a difference every day. We must all keep in mind that we hold the future of children in our hand.

We will always have challenges, and as the group of individuals that make up the Institute of Community Services, board, council, and employees, we can, and we must make a difference. We either rise to the occasion or go by way of the dinosaur. Let us choose to keep rising.


Howard Hollins
Board Chairman

From Our Board Vice Chair

The Institute of Community Services Incorporated, Project Headstart is a TEAM. Our TEAM is important! The worth and success of our team is critically dependent on the established relationships of our children, parents, communities, partners, collaborators, stakeholders, staff, governing body and all those who contribute to the Institute of Community Services Incorporated, Project Headstart’s existence. All are so critical to the success of our TEAM.
I would like to say “THANK YOU!”
Let us keep striving for excellence and making our WORLD and TEAM even more successful.
Juanita Jones, Vice-Chair
ICS Board of Directors

From Our Policy Council Chair

I am deeply honored and humbled to stand before you today as the Chair of Policy Council. This moment signifies not only a significant milestone in my personal journey, but also a pivotal moment for our organization and the communities we serve. I am truly grateful for the trust you have placed in me, and I am committed to leading our Council with dedication, integrity, and a steadfast focus on our shared goals. It is a privilege to lead and serve in this capacity. 

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Policy Council, Board of Directors, and Staff of ICS Head Start for your commitment to our mission. Your dedication and enthusiasm inspire me, and I am eager to collaborate with you all in the pursuit of our shared goals.  

As we navigate the path ahead, I want to emphasize the critical role that parents play in our Policy Council. Our decisions directly impact the well-being and future of our children, and parental involvement is invaluable. I encourage all parents to actively engage with us, share insights, and collaborate to shape policies that reflect the collective wisdom of our community.  

Your voices matter, and together we can create a brighter future for our children.

Thank you for your dedication and support.  

Sherise Jones-Sims, Chair 

Policy Council


From the Office of Public Relations


Once again, we are sharing our Annual Reports with you, our Stakeholders and Friends of the Institute of Community Services, Inc. (ICS) Project Head Start.

This year we are going digital to provide you with a richer experience. However, you also have the option to view, download and print the reports, provided for you as PDF documents. At the end of each digital report (the 13 County and the Benton County) you will be able to download and print the English and/or Spanish versions of each.

We are proud to share the information in these reports with you, and hope that you will continue the support you have given to ICS over the years. Please know that this report does not reflect all of us, this is just a snip-it of outcomes. Come visit and see our staff in action and witness the testimonies of our parents and friends.

Good sharing with you. Have a wonderful Head Start Experience!

Office of Public Relations
Fannie L. Lampley, Director


ICS Early Head Start 2022-2023 Annual Report

ICS 2022-2023 Annual Report for the 13 Counties

ICS 2022-2023 Annual Report for Benton County
